We offer basic functionalities for free, but certain advanced or additional features may require payment. Please check our pricing and plans page for detailed information.
We may offer discounts for students and non-profit organizations. Please contact our customer support team to inquire about relevant discount programs.
We use Large Language Model (LLM) generative AI to assist, and we provide tools to tweak and modify the generated content to ensure it matches your specific needs and style.
You can also try adjusting the prompt to get a more consistent response.
No need. Our platform is designed to make it easy for non-technical people to control the web, with no programming knowledge required.
Yes, young children can use this platform to understand website structure and learn to design web pages.
You can save the HTML file by clicking the Save button and selecting Download. You can then deploy this HTML file to your website.
Yes, you can join team members through the "invite" function and let team members view and modify your design.
Yes, you can use your own domain name on the website.
Credits will be uesd for Assistant Requests and Image Generation. You can pay to add credits to your account based on your usage need.